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- Payette Family Services
- Payette Family Services
is located at 501 North 16th Street Payette, ID. 83661 and can be contacted by calling 208-642-6160. Payette Family Services offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Services for Young Adults, Dual Diagnosis, AIDS/HIV Clients, Lesbian and Gay, Over 50, Expectant Mothers, Women, Men, DUI - DWI Offenders, Court Appointed Client Services
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- Unmarried workers (divorced, separated or never married) have about twice the rate of alcoholism or alcohol abuse as married workers.
- When an individual has a blood alcohol level of .2 %, they are considered to be "grossly intoxicated" and will begin to slur their speech and have a difficult time walking.
- After a person stops drinking, alcohol in the stomach and intestine continues to enter the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body.
- Heavy alcohol consumption (more than six drinks per day) has been linked to heart disease in HIV-infected people. Therefore, stopping or cutting down on their alcohol consumption may help to reduce the risk of heart disease.
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